Friday, July 22, 2011

The Heat is on!

It is the middle of the summer and while the temperatures are at an all time high here in the Midwest I'm creating projects to keep you nice and cozy this winter! I have 8 weeks until the fall festival in Fair Grove and I'm very excited and also very stressed. This will be the first event that I have been to like this where I will be selling my stuff for the first time.So much knitting to be done so little time! Here is a short preview of the things that I have been working on for the festival!
 Button headband with crochet border and flower.

 I decided why not make the same headband for babies?
 Hair bows, many different colors, here is one example.
 All this knitting is wearing poor daisy out!
 Infant mouse hat (in progress)
There are a couple other things I'm working on as well more pictures to come soon!! Until next time, I'll be knitting for ewe!
